What are autism spectrum disorders (ASD)?
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder which affects the ability of a child to interact with society. Autism is said to encompass a spectrum of disorders since it is variable from individual to individual.
Autism can be diagnosed around 2 years of age; hence it is called a ‘neurodevelopmental’ disease.
Some of the characteristics of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) include:
-Lack of eye contact
-Poor response to name-calling
-Lack of social smile
-Difficulty in making friends and participating in group settings
-Repetitive behaviours
-Sticking to particular routines
-Sensitive to sensory inputs such as light, sound, moving objects, etc.
How is ASD diagnosed?
A child regularly checked for developmental milestones by the pediatrician can identify if there is any chance of ASD or any other developmental delay. Further different diagnostic tests for ASD may be performed by a neurologist or a team of experts on the recommendation of the pediatrician.
What are the treatment options available for a child diagnosed with autism?
Autism is a disease of sensory experiences and the following kinds of therapy maybe administered for attempting to mainstream the child:
-Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) therapy
What is the importance of Early intervention in Autism?
A child who is diagnosed as ASD by age 2 can be mainstreamed if therapy is started immediately. The different sensory issues and behaviours can be managed with routine therapy and intervention at the right time. This is because the brain is still developing and the interventions can be of maximum effect at younger ages. This is the age social skills can be developed, gross and fine motor skills can be imbibed and speech and communication can be introduced. Therefore, providing therapy as early as 2-3 years to an ASD diagnosed child is suggested for the best outcomes.