Back to School
Early childhood education is the key to the betterment of society . Back to school is a building stone for future life of a child. Our back to school provides early childhood education and care for children from various culture and socio- economic backgrounds in the year prior to their entry in the grade.
This is a personal education program. program aims at supporting the psycho-motor, social- emotional, linguistic- cognitive development, self care skills and preparing the child for primary education.
This is a child centred program. The program include 4 months
1st month( level 1) is called bright beginners
This month mainly focusing on achieving attention, problem solving, decision making, group instruction following, eye hand coordination, art and craft, sharing skills.
2nd month ( level 2) is called shining stars
2nd month we are mainly focusing on outdoor games, outdoor activities, involving more social situations. This month will help the child to improve social interactions, reduce social anxiety and fear.
3rd month (level 3)is called bright moon
This month mainly focusing on home based activities and routine.we teach them how to behave in a home setup(kitchen activities,cleaning,home based art and craft work etc)
4th month (level 4)is called glowing sun
Mainly based on classroom. How to behave in a classroom setup.(group attention, turn taking,concentration,waiting, listening, instruction following).
One of the important functions of preschool programs is to help children acquire learning-related skills, such as the ability to express thoughts, adapt behaviours to situational demands, control impulsivity, show curiosity, remain concentrated and be socially competent. As such, school readiness is not only about teaching children basic language and mathematics skills, but is also about promoting self-regulation.
This is a personal education program. program aims at supporting the psycho-motor, social- emotional, linguistic- cognitive development, self care skills and preparing the child for primary education.
This is a child centred program. The program include 4 months
1st month( level 1) is called bright beginners
This month mainly focusing on achieving attention, problem solving, decision making, group instruction following, eye hand coordination, art and craft, sharing skills.
2nd month ( level 2) is called shining stars
2nd month we are mainly focusing on outdoor games, outdoor activities, involving more social situations. This month will help the child to improve social interactions, reduce social anxiety and fear.
3rd month (level 3)is called bright moon
This month mainly focusing on home based activities and routine.we teach them how to behave in a home setup(kitchen activities,cleaning,home based art and craft work etc)
4th month (level 4)is called glowing sun
Mainly based on classroom. How to behave in a classroom setup.(group attention, turn taking,concentration,waiting, listening, instruction following).
One of the important functions of preschool programs is to help children acquire learning-related skills, such as the ability to express thoughts, adapt behaviours to situational demands, control impulsivity, show curiosity, remain concentrated and be socially competent. As such, school readiness is not only about teaching children basic language and mathematics skills, but is also about promoting self-regulation.